Saturday, June 21, 2008

Oliver Update

Things are going well here. Oliver has been unbelievable so far...except for the fact that he still has his days and nights messed up! He laughs most of the time he is awake. The remainder of his awake hours are spent eating anything and everthing you put in front of him. Here is a video of him that really shows his personality. Talk with you soon.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Welcome Oliver

Oliver has arrived!! After 21 months, hundreds of pages of paperwork and 3 hospitalizations he is finally home. So far, so good...he hasn't cried, he has eaten dinner, taken a bath and fell asleep in 10 seconds (one positive to jet lag). We still have a 5 hour drive tomorrow so we will update more later.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Great news!! We finally got EP today. We have been waiting for five months for this piece of paper. Which means that he can leave Korea. We hope to have him home by mid May.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

New Pictures of Oliver

New pics of Oliver. They were taken early April. We are pretty biased but we think he is just about the cutest kid ever. We hope for the Travel call soon.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Fun Facts About Oli

Realized the last post was a bit of a downer so I thought you all might find some of the info on Oliver interesting.
His Korean name: Choe-Seong-uk means Seong (bright) Uk (morning sun); it hopes that the child will grow up to be a person like the shining sun in the morning.

Oliver , however, means Elf Army. Go figure!

His mother was 29 years old and described as tall, plump, round face with yellowish complexion. Basically she looked liked all of us in college.

Something else we though interesting/funny: in his evaluation at 2 months it was stated that he looks clever with limpid eyes and looks handsome.

Hope to post about a travel call soon

Oliver Update

Not a great week for us. We found out on Monday that Oliver had been in the hospital for a kidney infection and pneumonia. He spent eight days in the hospital. Pretty scary stuff! Trevor and I feel so helpless. Our pediatrician has reassured that this is normal in babies and especially premies. He was born at 36 weeks. So we are trying to stay positive and upbeat...while we wait for the phone to ring.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Welcome! We decided to create this blog so friends and family can track our progress with Oliver's adoption. In addition, we thought you might want to see some current pics of Ainsley (occasionally Bear and Trevor...but seldom Laura).

So this is the deal with Oliver...

Referral: 11/20/07 (this is when we received the picture and information on him)
Acceptance Papers: 12/17/07 (This is what it sounds like)
I-600: 1/16/08 (US Visa Approval...Big Day!)
NVC: 1/16/08 (Logged in the National Visa Center)
1/24/08 (Logged out of the National Visa Center)
Packet 3: 1/30/08 (Paperwork sent to Korea)

What all of this means we aren't quite sure, except that it means we are getting much closer to bringing him home.

What we are waiting for...

EP: Immigration Permit issued by Korea
VI: Visa Interview
Travel Call: Where and When we pick him up.

Thanks to those who have been regularly asking about Oliver. We hope to have more news soon!